First, we need to understand the definition of Fronthaul. Fronthaul is the transmission connection between the Radio Frequency (RF) module and the baseband processing Unit (BBU) in the mobile wireless network. In the traditional distributed RAN or D-RAN, the fronthaul distance is short as the RF module and BBU are directly connected via optical fibers. […]

Can Microwave be a Fronthaul Option for 5G?

Can Microwave be the right backhaul technology for 5G?
I read many papers during this year about the capabilities of microwave as a backhaul technology of 5G. I see also some claims that fiber is a mandatory technology for #5G backhauling due to the huge amount of data growth with the wider bandwidth in the spectrum in Sub-6GHz and mmWave which can exceed the 1Gpbs […]

Is Microwave Oven Safe?
If you’re a Telecom Engineer and Hungry, this article is for you 🙂 During my discussion with my non-telecom friend, he was asking about the Telecom tower’s radiation and how it’s radiating the signals to the mobile equipment and then asked about the radiation of MicrowaveOven! Here, I remembered when I searched for this topic 13 […]