Recently, I read many discussions around 5G SA mainly really on mmWave spectrum which is Unique to 5G technology, as mmWave or millimeter Wave is the most capacity spectrum band so far among all available mobile spectrums. Yes, 5G high bands (mmWave, also referred to as FR2) are found in the range of 24GHz to […]

Before talking about the challenges of 5G Network planning and optimization in the mmWave band, let’s start with the common question, Why we need mmWave especially for 5G technology? History of High Frequencies in Mobile Communication While high frequencies have been used for point-to-point network backhaul links, cellular carriers have never before made common use […]

What Is mmWave? Millimeter wave is the band of spectrum between 30 to 300 GHz. it is also known as extremely high frequency. This spectrum can be used for high-speed wireless communications since it is wedged between microwave and infrared waves. As used in with the latest 802.11 and Wi-Fi standard (functioning at 60 GHz). […]

5G aspires to be the unique generation not only fulfill the needs of mobile operators and consumers but also creates fresh potentials and opens an extraordinarily huge diversity of applications and uses, all in a single technology. 5G is setting itself up as an enabler of the digitization of society and the economy. Consumer […]