5G builds upon existing network infrastructure to handle the increased demand for data in an interconnected society. It is transforming industries and is changing the way businesses and consumers use mobile technologies, providing substantial processing and efficiency benefits that previous generations of mobile technology did not. 5G can deliver up to 100 times higher bandwidth, […]

How 5G Drives Technical Efficiency Gains

5G Stand Alone (SA) Beam Management
In this article, I will explain the Beamforming technique in 5G to compensate for path loss especially in the mmWave spectrum range. As the range of mmWaves is between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, a wavelength is between 1 millimeter and 10 millimeters and this is the intensive motive for Beamforming. Beamforming Definition The beamforming […]

Everything You Need To Know about Beamforming
In this article, I’ll start with its motivation. Then I’ll answer the question: What is Beamforming? And also discuss its types, especially Hybrid Beamforming. Beamforming Motivation: The 5G main goals are to achieve higher data rates, lower latency network accesses, and support and fix different use cases. With higher data rates, the need for wider […]