Open RAN has gained prominence in the last few years due to ongoing trends towards openness and disaggregation in the mobile network operator (MNO) space and spurred by recent geopolitical pressures. The below explanation is part of Unlocking Open RAN — An Infrastructure Viewpoint white paper. Evolving RAN Architecture to Open RAN Over the different […]

On January 2021, Five big European operators, Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange, Telefónica, Vodafone Group and TIM (which joined in Feb 2021) are signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide a framework for a specific commitment to support the development of a non-fragmented global OPEN RAN ecosystem for deployment across the European network footprint of each […]

The Open RAN concept is about building networks using equipment that separates the vendor-specific software and vendor-specific hardware associated with the vast majority of radio access network (RAN) equipment that is available today from a handful of cellular equipment vendors. Open RAN, then, uses RAN software on commercial, off-the-shelf hardware (COTS). There are 9 main […]

It is important to distinguish between vRAN and Open RAN Virtualization is a journey that the telecoms industry has been on for several years to transform network functions into virtual network functions (VNFs). The VNF software is then decoupled from the purpose-built hardware and run on standardized, common off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. The interfaces between each […]

vRAN is a new architecture enhancing the flexibility of Centralized RAN (C-RAN) by virtualizing the functions of basebands in a common resource pool made up of the Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) servers located in a centralized Hub, allocating resources in a flexible manner according to traffic conditions. vRAN = Virtual Radio Access Network Why vRAN? Maintaining […]

There are several industry-led open RAN initiatives that seek to unite an ecosystem of supply chain partners and advance open RAN through the definition, development, and testing of standards and reference architectures. Beyond the standards defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), multiple industry groups are leading the open RAN movement, each with a […]

There are different acronyms related to the evolution of RAN (Radio Access Network), like vRAN, open RAN, O-RAN, etc. A key point to clarify is that RAN evolution means both the disaggregation of mobile network base stations into more standardized entities (this is widely known as functional split), as well as the introduction of cloud […]

Open RAN is a highly disruptive technology that will bring many benefits to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), especially during the evolution to 5G. By opening up the RAN to multiple vendors and virtualizing the software, costs will be significantly reduced, highly dynamic services will be enabled, and the RAN domain will experience far greater levels […]

If we’re talking about RAN Market Status, The mobile RAN equipment market (covering active base station equipment and antennas, but excluding power supplies, cable, install costs, civils, passive antennas, etc.) was worth about $33 billion in 2019, according to Omdia, and is forecast to grow to $36 billion in 2023. So the R&D in different […]

Open and virtualized RAN, Open vRAN refers to a disaggregated approach of deploying virtualized mobile networks by using open and interoperable protocols and interfaces, implemented over a common propose hardware in a multi-vendor software environment, allowing increased flexibility over traditional RAN architectures., aiming to provide OPEX and CAPEX savings while fostering innovation. Traditional RAN Protocol […]

Industry Alliances and Organizations Multiple industry groups are working on 5G deployments and standards. These groups include: O-RAN Alliance: A group of telecom companies focused on fostering wireless networks that are open software-defined and virtualized, enabling architects to mix and match products from different In 2018, the xRAN and C-RAN organizations merged to form O-RAN. […]