Introduction: The 5G system has the aspiration of responding to the widest variety of services and implications in the history of mobile and wireless communications listed in: Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB). Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC). Massive machinetype communications (mMTC). As a response to the needs of these services and applications, the 5G system targets a flexible […]
What Is mmWave? Millimeter wave is the band of spectrum between 30 to 300 GHz. it is also known as extremely high frequency. This spectrum can be used for high-speed wireless communications since it is wedged between microwave and infrared waves. As used in with the latest 802.11 and Wi-Fi standard (functioning at 60 GHz). […]
Introduction: As the standardization of 5G at the first stage has been successfully completed, 5G networks will be put into commercial use. When deploying 5G networks, carriers have to think about the factors of different 5G network deployment options, this is in addition to the expansion of 5G network coverage and maturity of the terminal […]
Introduction The investigation of the 5G cellular network has been triggered by the great growth of wireless data services driven by mobile Internet and smart devices. The new 5G mobile networks are expected to be deployed around 2020. Several multimedia applications with a huge variety of needs will have to be supported by 5G networks. […]
Introduction 5G is the future network revolution of mobile technology. The characteristics and usability are exceeding human expectations. With its extra high speed, it owns the prospects to change the face of cell phone usability. 5G will improve the mobile network that it will interconnect people, machines, objects, and devices and gain control over many […]
5G aspires to be the unique generation not only fulfill the needs of mobile operators and consumers but also creates fresh potentials and opens an extraordinarily huge diversity of applications and uses, all in a single technology. 5G is setting itself up as an enabler of the digitization of society and the economy. Consumer […]
In the revolutionary time of 5G, newly-emerging communication requirements create hardships on the existing networks when it comes to technologies and business models. The next-generation mobile network must meet diversified demands. Three categories of 5G mobile network services have been classified by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as follows: 1- Enhanced Mobile Broadband […]
New Radio is a new air interface that is not backward compatible with LTE, LTE⁃Advanced or LTE⁃Advanced⁃pro. Without depending on 2G, 3G or 4G networks, NR networks can be independently deployed. In order to be able to work independently, NR should have a complete set of RAN functionalities. Just like the previous mobile generation networks, […]
Introduction Mobile network operators around the world are experiencing huge growth in mobile data traffic and forecasts suggest that over the coming years it is set to rise even more dramatically. In the populated areas where traffic density is extremely high, many operators are already facing capacity challenges. The notion “capacity crunch” where operators face […]